New Beginnings - Welcome Spring

Before we can welcome in the new, we need to create space.
Literally and figuratively, what is in our outer environment impacts our internal environment, thoughts, and sacred space.

Clear Your Clutter

The first step is clearing away physical clutter in our homes and workspaces to create a sacred space. Clear out all the unnecessary stuff that you’ve been holding onto. You cannot create a sacred space if you cannot do a proper “spring cleaning” and if you are holding onto clutter. You can’t welcome new energies while holding onto the past.

Refresh Your Surroundings. 

After decluttering, do bring in a clean environment – start by airing out your home or office by opening the windows to release stagnant air. Then it is time to do some cleaning – start with the windows. This will give you a better outlook of your future and a better view of the beautiful outdoors; Next, it is time to give your space a good cleaning - dust, vacuum, and mop the floor (check for spider webs and dust bunnies under the beds too.). If life is crazy and hectic, think about hiring a green cleaning company, one that avoids toxic cleaning chemicals. Consider aromatherapy scents to clear your mind and energize your sacred space, such as lemon, orange, and citrus.1

Bring In New Beginnings with Feng Shui

“Find the family area of your home, stand in the front door looking in. Divide the space into a three-by-three grid as you’re looking into your home (or with a floor plan). The center-left section of the grid is the family or Zhen position.”2 (Zhen means the genuine)

The family area is ruled by Wood energy – as represented by the sprouting of those new seedlings. This is a great place to install live, healthy plants.

Wood Energy

Another way to add Wood energy is using color decorating with wood element colors - blue, green, and teal. Easy ways to add wood energy is painting a wall or adding a throw pillow or blanket.

Water Supports Wood

Nourishing elements for wood are water elements. Options that can be added are real water, an aquarium, or a water feature. You can also use colors (black and deep blue), images of water, glass or mirrors, or even wavy shapes (paisleys and other curvy or swirl patterns).

Hang a Feng Shui Crystal Ball & Green Jade

Another way to bring energy into this area would be by incorporating faceted glass crystals.
Hang it from a red string that is cut to 9 or 18 inches. Keep out of walk areas for safety reasons. The crystal ball can illuminate this part of your life and sacred space. It will also support your intentions of providing more family peace and harmony.
Bring a lovely piece of jade into your space. This will be a great way to link earth and sky, physical and spiritual, into your sacred space.3


2.) ,the%20family%20or%20Zhen%20position.


4.) Grid from