Spring is a great time to relook at your daily habits and see how they are creating more stress in your life overall than if you were able to establish a few daily routines that help clear your space. Here are 5 daily tips that will help you give a little bit more balance and clarity.

These 5 daily tips will bring more harmony to your home and keep routine.

Morning Routine

1.   Make Beds – There is something to be said about feeling like you have achieved your first task of the day, this is why if you are in the military that is ingrained into – this sets off your day on the right track. Not only does it make your room look neater, but it also shows that you care about yourself and your home. In one of my favorite books The Happiness Project, the author says that this simple task makes people happier and “makes your bedroom a more peaceful environment.”1 As a parent this does not need to fall all on you. This is a great habit to instill in your children. If they are small help them pull up the blanket. If they are older it is time to teach them how a do a hospital corner and fluff some pillows.

2.   Laundry This is especially important if you have a family at home (the stinky play clothes, sports gear, and towels pile up.) Right after you make your bed throw a load of laundry in the wash. Toss in the dryer at night before you go to bed. A great option for getting your laundry clean naturally is Norwex Ultra Power Plus Laundry Detergent or Molly Sud’s – both are phosphates, phthalates, ammonia, chlorine, and bleach. 

Evening Routine

3.   Floors – Kitchen and eating area floors need to be checked daily – I always give them a sweep right after I have finished the dishes in the evening. I use the Norwex Superior Mop the duster pad is powered by static electricity – picking up all the outdoor dirt and pet hair. The mop head can be used with just water. For an all-natural eco-friendly – no chemicals on your floor or our you or pet’s bare feet. (If you have pets with a lot of hair a quick vacuum around your table may be needed.) If you want a little extra to clean your floor here is a great DYI recipe that is safe for wood and hard services.

4.    Dishes, wipe down counters & kitchen sink– If you have a dishwasher great – get those dishes off the counter 2 of my favorite eco-friendly dishwasher detergent is Norwex UltraZyme (which has enzymes that help fight grease and grime). Wipe down all countertops – kitchen and bathroom, also wipe down the kitchen table,  a damp  Norwex envirocloth is amazing at picking up crumbs and bacteria. Finish the evening with cleaning the kitchen sink – make your own multipurpose spray 1 Tablespoon of Sal Suds to 1 quart of water, sprinkle sink with baking soda, spray multipurpose spray and scrub or I love Humble Suds paste.

 5.   Daily Declutter – Doing a little decluttering every single day is a habit that will bring peace to your home. Set a timer for 5-10 minutes and choose an area or room. (If you have kids that might be toys, glasses in the family room, or going through the mail. 

These 5 habits will transform your home into a more peaceful overall space.

1 https://gretchenrubin.com/2009/08/make-your-bed/